Discovering Self-Love: Join the #MeEmpowerChallenge!

I’m starting a challenge! Ready to embrace your true selves and share your journey to self-love and empowerment? Let’s dive in! To get this, #meempowerchallenge started off, I wanted to share with you first how I discovered confidence within myself.

When we are younger, we are SO hard on ourselves. We nitpick everything; “I hate my nose” I used to say, (because it was larger than other girl’s noses) “I hate my feet,” (because I wear a size 9 and thought they were too big for a woman’s feet) All these things society sets us up to dislike just because we don’t have what society says is “ideal.” I used to never take side profile pictures because of my nose. I would try to squeeze my feet into a size 7/8 shoe! lol My mom would be like, “Now, I KNOW that shoe doesn’t fit you missy!” lol. I used to hate my belly because it wasn’t as tight as it used to be after having three kids. Overtime, I just realized how crazy that behavior was.

We all just seem to desire what we don’t have, but, it doesn’t mean what we DO have is “ugly” or “bad,” IT’S UNIQUE to us which is what makes it so beautiful. It’s a story, just like my belly carrying my three children. So, I started to love my nose, my belly, my feet, I let them dogs AIR OUT all day every day, lol. I hate wearing shoes unless it’s for a photoshoot or necessary. I also realized; you can’t properly love anyone until you learn to love yourself, as cliche’ as that may sound, It is SO true. Life is too short for that negative energy.

Remember, we are created from the stars, each of us as beautiful and unique as those stars scattered across the universe. So, share your story on Instagram with a selfie and the hashtag: #meempowerchallenge or post in the comments below! Let’s break the mold together and light up the world with our positive energy.

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Virginia fashion, boudoir and branding photographer servicing  Fredericksburg, Charlottesville, northern va, nyc, DC & Surrounding areas